** Book Review **

book "The God of All Comfort" by Judy Gann on a teal and gray background

The God of All Comfort: Devotions of Hope for Those Who Chronically Suffer by Judy Gann


I’m not typically someone who does well with devotionals. I start them, but there’s usually something missing, something that keeps me from coming back. I read a few days and then never return.

But not Judy’s book. I’ve actually read through it several times now.

There’s something about it that truly soothes the soul as you read through the words on the page.

I believe Judy did a masterful job between choosing the specific Bible verses for each devotional as well as curating each story.

She beautifully takes the stories of life-long pain and heart-wrenching moments for each person (herself included) and weaves them into the tapestry of God’s unrelenting and ever-enduring love.

I think what I loved most about the book is that it’s split into chapters, each one taking the reader through the various struggles those who deal with chronic issues face and walking alongside them. It isn’t a “do it like this and you’ll feel better” book. Honestly, it reminds me of the psalms and how, when you read them, you know that David felt just like you do right now and it’s a powerful thing to know that you’re not the only one going through this.

Though Judy wrote this for those who chronically suffer, I highly recommend this book for anyone who is going through any struggle in life. The stories are powerful and can give every single person who reads them just that bit of hope they need to make it through each day.

You can purchase your copy today!

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